Salutatorian – Gracie Isham


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Magen McMillian, Staff Writer

Dear Students of DHS,


I have attended school in Decatur since kindergarten. Growing up in this small town has been quite the ride, but I am so grateful for this town and the people within it. I have learned so much through my years of being enrolled at Decatur High School and I want to leave the students following in my own and my class’ footsteps a few pieces of advice. First of all, do not take any moments for granted. As we have all learned during this 2020 pandemic, you never know when all the moments might end. Secondly, make it a point to form connections with the people around you because you never know how you might impact someone or how they might impact you. A simple hello can be the beginning of a friendship that will get you through all the ups and downs that come with being a high school student. Lastly, relax and enjoy your time as a Decatur High School student; it will come to an end sooner than you think. Every big decision you think you need to make right now is probably not as big of a deal as you might think, so do not spend too much time agonizing about what classes to take, prom dress to buy, or pathway to take after high school. You will figure it out eventually and it will all be okay. Instead, spend your time celebrating the little things the life of a Decatur High School student offers you. Getting that big win at Eagle Stadium on a Friday night, a gold medal placed around your neck on a stage, podium, or court, or even something as small as getting your first A on a paper; the little things in life should be celebrated and remembered. Good luck, I know you all can do it!



Gracie Isham