Senior Says “Goodbye” to Time on The Journal Staff

Lindsay Gogniat

     Wow. Where do I even begin? These past three years, four including the interesting journalism class, have taught me so much about myself, and life in general. Having the opportunity to submerge myself in any and every situation that is imaginable, whether I liked it or not (thank you Alano), allowed me to grow in so many ways. As this year ends, I realize that this class is more than just an elective, or more than an extracurricular activity. Instead, it truly helps shape you into the person you’ve become at the end of your senior year. So, with that being said, I hope that those of you on staff continue with it, and push through the tough (or extremely weird) times in A201. 

     Mrs. Alano – As I’m laying on your office typing this, I’m kinda getting all sensitive about it because it actually JUST hit, that I will not have the daily “Mrs. Alano, guess what!” conversations, or the constant “don’t make me call your mom” jokes. I’d like to thank you for everything. For making me realize that I can do anything I put my mind to, for supporting me in the hard times, and most importantly, forcing me to write in active voice (that’s just a joke haha – active voice no más). No, but seriously, I really appreciate everything you have done for me in the past four years, and I will carry your advice wherever I end up.

     The Journal Staff – Though this year’s newspaper class was extremely small, it’s been a great one. Being able to spend seventh period with you guys was definitely one of the most enjoyable times of senior year. Whether it was Garrett rolling out from the closet on his “skateboard”, playing “baseball” with Garrett and Kayla, listening to Allie’s crazy stories while she talks with her hands, or Magen coming around the corner screaming and making weird noises, there was never a dull moment in the room, even though there were only five of us. This year was kind of different than the past, but you all did fantastic. Allie, I cannot wait to see where you go next year as you tackle the editor role with a bunch of newbies!

-Lindsay Gogniat