Eagle’s Soccer Season Comes to an End

Cade Crockett, Staff Writer

Decatur’s men’s soccer team has finished off their season with a devastating playoff loss to Western Hills, losing 2-3. Despite the loss, their 2023 season still came with memorable moments, giving everyone a season to remember. While the Eagles finished 8-12 with a losing record overall, they finished 3rd in their district with a winning record of 6-4. With a district consisting of Castleberry, Bridgeport, Decatur, Lake Worth, Springtown, and CATCCN, rivalries were sure to begin brewing, and one of Wise County’s oldest rivalries was front and center this season between the Decatur Eagles and the Bridgeport Bulls, with Bridgeport winning both their matches. 

“I think it’s a good rivalry. It pushes each other and give us motivation to win games,” junior Samuel Andrade said.

“I really enjoy playing against them, and love competing against them. It’s probably the most fun and hype game of the year, probably the most fun game to play and watch,” junior Jacob Lara said.

A few members of the team responded to questions over how they felt about their season.

“We could’ve done a lot better. We’ve shown time to time we’re a very competitive team. But I’m just excited for what’s next,” Andrade said.

“It was really fun, but it was really tough losing in the first round again, and losing all the seniors. What I’m focused on is carrying the torch to next season and trying to lock in for next year and make a deeper playoff run,” Lara said.

“Fantastic, it was an intense season with a lot of growth. Extremely proud of both squads, boys and girls. Lot of growth, soccer is amazing,” Coach Wade Goodmay said.

With class and motivation like this, it’s no doubt in anyone’s mind the Eagles will be working hard in the off season to turn around their record next year for a winning record and a deep playoff run.