Allie Tribe- Class of 2023 Salutatorian


Allie Tribe, Editor

Hey everyone, 

I’m Allie Tribe and I’m the class of 2023 salutatorian. I’ve been a Decatur Eagle since kindergarten and have lived in Decatur my whole life. My years at Decatur ISD have gifted me with some of the best friends I could ever have, teachers that inspired me, and the knowledge that sometimes Google is the best teacher.

For me, my most formative experiences at Decatur have been through the extracurriculars I participated in. In my freshman and sophomore years, running on the cross country team gave me the chance to be a part of a great team. Between the early morning runs when no one wanted to be awake and Coach Park’s motivational speeches, I made friendships that I wouldn’t trade for the world. Beyond cross country, my participation in DHS’ newspaper The Journal and journalism classes played a big part in my high school experience. Being on The Journal has given me the chance to cover stories for all of DHS, from homecoming week to feature stories, and from that I was able to delve into parts of the school I would have otherwise never been a part of. I’ve loved my time writing for The Journal, and I’m sorry to leave the program, but I know that the next group of staffers will do their best to cover all things Decatur.

If I had one thing to say to incoming freshmen, it would be this: find what you enjoy and stick to it. Whether it be a fine art, sport, or some other activity, get involved in something you enjoy. My favorite memories at Decatur are from the extracurriculars I joined and the people I met through them, and I don’t know where I’d be without them. 

Looking to the future, I plan to attend the University of Missouri in the fall to major in journalism. While I know leaving Decature may be bittersweet, I’m ready to get to the next chapter and see what other places have to offer. 


Allie Tribe