Senior Says “Goodbye” to Time on The Journal Staff

Magen McMillian

After being on newspaper staff for three years, it’s going to be tough to say goodbye to everyone. Although each year was wildly different, each one had such good memories that I’ll cherish forever. Room A201 holds so many special places for me: “my” desktop, the corner in the office, the camera closet. After graduation I’ll miss those places, but more than that, I’ll miss the other staffers that became my friends. A whole year of our newspaper got ruined, but we stayed strong and were still able to do the best we could. I’ll never forget how hard working and determined the whole staff is. Newspaper became my second home and my constant in the ever-changing high school experience. I know it’s time for the next chapter, but I never could have made it without the support of my newspaper staff and room A201. 

-Magen McMillian