Leave Them Be

Animal hunting needs to stop


I’ll admit it. In prehistoric times, hunting played an important role in human survival. But come on now, it’s 2015 and the world is more advanced than it ever has been. Is hunting still used for survival or is it just plain wrong?

First off, hunting causes pain and suffering to defenseless animals. Sometimes a gunshot doesn’t do the trick and leaves them terribly wounded and frightened. Anyone who wants to partake in that kind of activity clearly has something wrong with them. It’s pointless and does nothing to help the ecosystem. When a hunter kills a deer, he’s not just killing that deer. In some cases a hunter may kill a doe, leaving its baby behind to survive on its own, and most likely starve to death. Good job, you just killed two deer with one bullet.

People who are for hunting might argue that they hunt to prevent over-population, but that’s just ridiculous. Animals have been on this earth longer than humans have, and as far as I know, they lived in peace and everything was fine. If anything, hunting just increases the chances of endangerment and extinction. This is why natural predators exist, such as wolves, lions, etc. Humans have overpopulated the earth, so should we kill them off, too?

People need to hunt for food. Are you kidding me? Are we cavemen? No. As I’ve mentioned before, we are in the year of 2015. No one should need to hunt for survival unless they’re stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere. There are restaurants, grocery stores, and markets just about everywhere you look. If not, plant a garden. It’s a healthier alternative.

Another thing hunters say to disguise their murders as socially acceptable is calling it a “sport.” To me, sports are basketball, volleyball, tennis, swimming, even target shooting. No, not with animals. ACTUAL targets found in shooting ranges. It’s awful how people enjoy killing defenseless animals. Take Kendall Jones, for example. She’s a 19-year-old hunter from Texas who kills large game for “sport.” This girl has taken the lives of lions, endangered rhinoceroses, buffaloes, bobcats and more. And it’s all legal. She not only kills them, but also poses with their dead bodies to show off her newest trophy. There are even websites that are dedicated to try and stop her from going on those killing sprees.

Overall, hunting is morally wrong and should be illegal, or at least more limited. If not, it won’t be long until everyone is wondering: where have all the animals gone?