Science Department Earns Grant

Exxon Mobil awards money to enrich classroom experience


Photo credit Mrs. Micinski

Earlier this semester, the Decatur High School science department received a $500 grant from the Exxon Mobil Corporation. The grant provides more hands-on learning for students as physics teacher Audrey Micinski put the grant to use in her classroom the week before spring break started.

“The money was used to buy Electronic Snap Circuits which enriched our DHS physics students’ learning about electricity,” Micinski said.

The students conducted an experiment preluding the extended break using the electronic snap circuits.

“The last two days before spring break my physics students had a blast putting together a wide variety of circuits,” Micinski said. “Some of the circuits buzz and play music and turn lights on and off. Some groups even built and tested an AM radio.”

Micinski remains grateful to the Exxon Mobil Corporation for granting the money to the department.

“We were truly lucky to receive this generous grant money that brought real world circuits to our classroom,” Micinski said.