Let’s Eat

Students benefit from new lunch schedule


Offering two different lunch periods improves traffic delays and offers more time.

With the new lunch times, lines at fast food places and even the cafeteria are shorter. Students wait less for their food therefore getting more time to eat. The schedule also gives them an extra five minutes. Since students have more time they don’t rush in and out of the parking lot, resulting in less traffic and accidents.

Then students aren’t getting tardies because they arrive to school with time to spare. If they stay on campus there’s enough room for them to sit at a table instead of the hallways. The lunchroom isn’t nearly as crowded as before. It’s also kept cleaner due to the entrances being monitored.

Yet our new schedule doesn’t provide a way for meeting with friends, teammates, or even teachers. Teachers arranging tutorials with students sometimes have a different lunchtime, making them unavailable during lunch, all year long. Some clubs and organizations have to change the time they meet because during lunch is not possible. However more time to eat and safety for the students seems more important than changing a meeting time.

Though a few changes improving the lunches are needed, naming them A and B and making the tardy bell also the dismissal bell would help cut down on the confusion. Overall the new lunch schedule makes lunch a safer time for all.